Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara's Sri Lanka Tsunami Housing Project
Thanks to many caring people, 37 homes were built in Galabodawatta, Hikkaduwa.
Mihiri raised over $25,000 for Dharma Vijaya's tsunami reconstruction project in Sri Lanka. She held fundraisers with various schools in Los Angeles, and raised over 2,000 books in bookdrives. Mihiri also began a letter-writing and school supply campaign, in which American children sent cards of support, as well as school supplies to tsunami-affected schoolchildren in Sri Lanka.

Initial phase of reconstruction of 37 homes

Tsunami affected families moved in to their new homes in February 2006. Some have even started their own businesses from home! This family converted one of their bedrooms into a small grocery store!
Working with tsunami-affected children:

Working with, and delivering school supplies and books to tsunami-affected children

It was fun making paper planes with the kids!
For more information about Dharma Vijaya's tsunami relief efforts, please click here.